
x Definitions

Elevation Profile

Graph of elevation over distance


Period of little or no movement lasting at least five minutes, shown as stop sign with duration in minutes

Vertical Exaggeration

Factor at which elevation is exaggerated in elevation profile

Speed Graph

Graph of speed over distance excluding rest, using a 20-minute moving average to reduce noise


Start date of hike, adjusted for timezone offset

Start Time

Start time of hike, adjusted for timezone offset


Total elapsed time

Hike Time

Total non-resting time

Rest Time

Total resting time


Total length of hike

Average Speed

Average speed excluding rest

Maximum Elevation

Highest elevation reached

Minimum Elevation

Lowest elevation reached

Average Incline

Average slope of all inclining track segments

Average Decline

Average slope of all declining track segments

Maximum Ascent

Greatest elevation gain between a relative minimum and a subsequent relative maximum

Maximum Descent

Greatest elevation loss between a relative maximum and a subsequent relative minimum

Total Ascent

Total elevation gain for all ascending track segments.

Total Descent

Total elevation loss for all descending track segments.

Average Ascending Speed

Average speed for all ascending track segments

Average Descending Speed

Average speed for all descending track segments

Average Ascent Rate

Average rate of altitude gain for all ascending track segments

Average Descent Rate

Average rate of altitude loss for all descending track segments

Naismith Time

Time the hike should take according to Naismith's Rule.

Langmuir Time

Time the hike should take according to Naismith's Rule with Langmuir's corrections and a base speed of 4 km/h.

Tobler Time

Time the hike should take according to Tobler's Hiking Function, applied per track segment.

x About captures the achievement of your hike in a shareable vignette showing elevation profile, speed, and hiking-related statistics. All you need is a standard GPX track of your hike.

History was born of the confluence of three sentiments in its author: a desire to dabble in HTML5, a renewed interest in hiking and GPS tracks stemming from a trip to Rocky Mountain National Park, and longstanding dissatisfaction with existing elevation profile tools, which generally fail to account for rest, include too much noise in the speed graph, and overcount elevation gain.


Unless you click Share, performs all operations on the client and never uploads or otherwise retains any of your data. If you do click Share, uploads the active graph to our server for the purpose of sharing with other users. Shared graphs are available to anyone who knows or guesses the unique sharing URL. makes no effort to promote or inhibit any use of shared graphs.

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